Saturday, 13 October 2007


HAROLD magazine is pretty amazing. I had no idea what it was when I picked up a copy in the Miami American Apparel but the Ann-Sofie Back Cover and the fact that it was FREE!! GRATIS!! etc meant I had to grab hold of one. Apparently this is part two, the premier issue directed by my long-time fashion hero Bernhard Willhelm is at the top of my Frantic Internet Search List.

Anyway, it's really the design that does it for me, everything has a kind of
DIY acid-wash feel to it, lots of solid typography and bold colours, it's like looking at a 3D picture without the glasses. There's a rather bizarre but revealing interview with the amazing Ms Back (Bjork and Galliano are overrated and the BFC is her arch enemy), an insight into being ginger and some short but sharp fashion stories featuring bicycle boys in lipstick.


Swedish upstarts Cederteg Publishing are the brains behind HAROLD, creating a collection of small but perfectly formed zines, some one-offs some a continuing series, they cover a range of subjects but all continue on a similar aesthetic theme of thrown together, eye-catching goodness. Apparently it's available in the UK (bstore and AA) but I've yet to see it anywhere here in London. If I catch sight of it on home turf I'll be sure to send out the bat-signal.



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